The Ebb & Flow of Life

Have you ever had a beautifully planned month, good mix of business and social events all plotted out on your agenda? Heading into that month you think to yourself, “this is going to be awesome”. Then one by one things get postponed and or cancelled. You wonder why but you accept it for what it is…life. The real reason everything has fallen apart is because the Universe needed you to focus your attention elsewhere. Your undivided attention was requested.

This happened to me just recently, I was heading home for a month long visit. There was family to see, weddings to attend, and business to get done. Even the best laid plans can fall apart. The moment the plane landed my plans had changed. My lift from the airport ended up being someone else, not a problem but still a change. The very next day I attended a wedding. After the church ceremony, I was invited to enjoy the afternoon at the groom’s parent’s house as the reception was to be later that evening. We did not actually get to relax but instead we were thrust into problem solving mode as the entire bridal party got soaking wet while taking pictures. Thankfully no one got hurt and all the clothing got dried and pressed so nobody could tell at the reception. That event pretty much set the pace for the first 2.5 weeks of my visit. Plans got cancelled as I needed to attend to my Mother’s care. She was weak, confused, and ill. I saw the decline in her health, within 2 days she ended up in hospital. My days were filled with visits, talking to nurses and doctors, lots of waiting, and being her advocate. My days were tests of patience yet I remained calm and cool knowing that I was where I belonged, doing what was needed of me. Nothing else mattered. I thanked God that I was in town to be able to handle all of this concerning my Mother. I sighed with relief when plans were postponed as I knew I would not have enjoyed myself therefore I was better off being by my Mother’s bedside.

I have to smile when looking back at this visit. I had a set plan and my agenda can sure vouch for that. Yet the Universe had other plans for me. When we are aligned with one’s self we are able to ebb and flow with the ways things are meant to be. I never got frustrated or tried to force a meeting, it would have been futile. I released control and gave in, knowing this was what was necessary. I truly believe that all this happened when I landed in Montreal because I was able to be fully present and do what was in my power to help. I let myself be guided. I used my problem solving skill and knowledge to get things done. I used my people skills and my positive energy to get information as well as the care I deemed right for my Mother. I ebbed and flowed my way through each day knowing that is what one does when a loved one is going through a difficult time. I was exactly where I belonged, doing what I was supposed to do. Thankfully, my Mother is much better and getting stronger. Who knows maybe my next visit will go more according to plan…though I won’t bet on it.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them, that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.                    

Lao Tzu

2 thoughts on “The Ebb & Flow of Life”

  1. Very interesting reading Lou-Anne especially since I was a part of some of your best laid plans going awry. If everything went according to expectations, life wouldn’t be as exciting and unpredictable as it sometimes is.
    Looking forward to reading your other posts.

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