The past year has been a year like I never imagined. It was so stimulating and valuable. You see in 2016 I decided to become a coach. My why, was to help others to live their best lives. I completed my IWA certification to be an Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. Then in 2017 & 2018 I completed my NLP (neurolinguistics programming) courses, adding more tools to my toolbox. Each and every course has tied together concepts and methods that enabled me to further guide my clients, helping them reach their goals. I felt I still wanted more skills to be able to help even more profoundly. Honestly, becoming a Hypnotherapist was never on my radar when I started on my journey!
As a student of coaching you are your very first client. Everything you learn you experience as well. That being said, there has been many internal epiphanies, much releasing & processing, healing, and growth over the last 4 years. One of the things I experienced, to eliminate old baggage I had been carrying around with me for most of my life, was hypnosis. I must admit I was skeptical at the suggestion but I trusted the therapist and my curiosity won out.
You see as children we experience many things and we learn from each and every thing we are exposed to. We learn to walk, talk, express our emotions. We learn what safe and fear feels like and so many other emotions. Children are sponges. The people around them do their best, to their knowledge, to teach and guide them. Yet as a child we may overhear a conversation that we are not capable of understanding because we have a childlike perception at this point. For instance, a joke in not understood as a joke but as reality the same thing with sarcasm. So teasing a child, though it may be cute to you at the time, might create an unwanted feeling in a child. That feeling can follow them throughout their entire life and anytime a similar situation or comment is spoken that feeling is triggered. Since no two people are the same, one person’s experience to a situation is a big nothing while another’s reaction to the same situation is traumatic. That being said, we all carry with us feelings or emotions that are triggered throughout our lives. Hypnotherapy helps to identify an event and then process through the feelings associated to it. The beauty is that it happens so easily for the client when they are guided by an qualified hypnotherapist.
Studying to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist was a year long intensive experience. I was inspired to became the best student I have ever been to date. I participated, interacted, and questioned. I was dedicated, fully immersing myself in the teachings, readings, as well as committing to my practicum clients. Giving my best and incorporating all of my life experiences and skills to helping them reach their goals. I learned even more about myself through this year again. I felt driven, focused, and even more sure of my path. This year was so validating for myself. I proudly wrote my client reports and the 7 hour final exam knowing in my soul I was doing what was going to enable me to help hundreds or thousands more people with my skills.
Remember that you are never too old to dream and then fulfill that dream. Never let someone deter you. Go after what you want. Understand why you are doing it. Show up and push yourself to be more than your best everyday to reach that goal…your goal. Because after all, when you think about it, you answer only to yourself at the end of the day.
So in 2020, though there has been a global pandemic and we are living in a very different way, I reached another of my goals, I crushed it actually. So I ask you; What are you dreaming of? Why do you want to attain that dream? How are you going to get there? What is stopping you from achieving it?
” The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.”
Michelle Obama