Often if you are a person that gives to others freely and without expectations you may find it uncomfortable to receive. I am a giver and I give from my heart. It gives me pleasure to make others happy. I enjoy finding the right gift that I know a person will love!
I give compliments and recognize good service or kind actions because I feel people should be recognized. Honestly I love filling in surveys letting a company know about the great service their employee has provided. I feel that society is so quick to criticize and we need more positivity. Yet if a compliment comes my way my first instinct is to brush it off yet this too is a form of giving.
A good friend of mine pointed out to me that I had difficulty receiving. I never thought about it until it was mentioned. As much as I enjoy giving or lending a helping hand I need to be able to accept when someone offers me a gift or help. I know this is a life long habit but habits can be changed! I am getting much better at it since it was brought to my attention.
How about you? Do you give to others and deny them the benefit of giving to you? Have you ever even thought about it or realized you do this? This is a time of year when we receive. Though Christmas may look different this year you most probably will be getting some gifts. People put a great deal of thought and effort into gift giving. Notice how you react. Do you say they shouldn’t have, or this is too expensive? Try catching yourself and simply accept that you are of value to them and that by receiving the gift you are honouring the giver and allowing them to express their feelings for you.
Open your heart up to receiving this year. You are worthy to be thought of and appreciated. Accept it gracefully and with an open heart.
When you graciously receive, you give others the gift of giving.
Ray A. Davis