A new year has begun today. This means we have 365 days to makes things happen, to write a new story, and to adopt a new behaviour. It can be an overwhelming time of year. After all, there is an understanding that we must adopt resolutions on the 1st of January every year. Truth be told most of these resolutions fall to the wayside within 3 weeks. Why? We decide to change because it is expected of us. We just make broad statements that really have no connection to what we need or want to see in our future.
I believe in reflection. I reflect on the past year. What did I do well? How have I grown? What have I accomplished? How do I feel? What am I proud of? Where am I compared to the year before? Then I write down all thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve me. People that may no longer be necessary in my daily life. Habits that do not help me to be my best. Addictions or pass-times that take up too much of my time. Old and inefficient ways of being or doing. Feelings or reactions that are automatic yet are no longer necessary. I make a list of all that I want to rid myself of. I write without self editing. Once all that is on paper I burn it, fire being part of the cleansing ceremony, making way for the new beginning.
Next I write all that I want to attract, create, achieve, and accomplish. How I want to think, where I want to visit, whom I want to have around me. All that I desire to become habit and part of my new year. How I want to feel in all areas of my life. Then I decide on a word or two for the year. This word I keep close to me, in my sight path, as a reminder each day of my motivation for the year.
I also create a vision board so I have images of what I want to achieve for the year. Every year my vision board inspires me. It keeps me motivated. Incredibly, every year I look back and see how much I was able to manifest in the year. It amazes me every year! Yes, you attract what you want in your life. You have to believe, take action, and work at it, but all is possible. This year instead of making general resolutions make things shift in your life by making one change at a time throughout the year. Giving it 21 days to become a habit, and 90 days to develop into your new lifestyle.
Happy 2019…make it your best year yet!